学费 & 费用

学费 rates are established by the 校董会 and are subject to change without notice. Total costs are determined by tuition based on the number of billing contact hours, 学生服务费, 以及任何与课程相关的费用.


Effective July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024

This covers the actual cost of instruction. 学费 is paid per billing contact hour. Most classes carry from one to five billing contact hours.

Jackson County resident (in-district) $185
扩展的县 residents (水泥的城市, 切尔西, 荷马, 杰罗姆, 莱斯利, Litchfield, 曼彻斯特, Stockbridge) $185
县外 $209
外州 & 国际 $277
65岁及以上老年人 (senior citizens are responsible for any applicable course fees) 免费的
Dual Enrollment, Middle College and Early College (Jackson County) $125
Dual Enrollment, Middle College and Early College (Non-Jackson County) $141
退伍军人 $185


The below fees (学生服务费, 网上课程收费, and 课程相关材料) are a requirement of enrollment and/or required for the student’s completion of an eligible certificate or degree. The Textbook Access fee is optional and therefore is not required.

  • $49.每个计费联系人50美元 在县城工作一小时, 扩展的县, 在县外, 在州外, 国际, 荣誉老学员
  • 每个账单联系人30美元 双学位学生每小时
  • 每计费联络小时0美元 高龄人士

Covers costs associated with registration and grade reports.  This fee is paid by all students each registration period.

教科书阅览费 每道菜70元. More information on the Textbook Program.
课程相关材料 Class fees are listed in the class schedule.  These fees cover costs of consumable materials directly related to or used for the course, such as computer paper and science lab materials.  This fee is paid on a per class basis.
Online Course 费 – 1 billing contact hour course $20
Online Course 费 – 2 billing contact hour course $30
在线课程费用- 3 billing contact hour course $40
在线课程费用- 3.5计费联系小时课程 $45
Online Course 费 – 4 or more billing contact hour course $50


杰克逊县(区内)* $185
县外 $209
州外/国际 $277

* Jackson County residents include: Students whose permanent residence is in Albion, 水泥的城市, 切尔西, 荷马, 杰罗姆, 莱斯利, Litchfield, 曼彻斯特 and Stockbridge as these communities have been identified as being served by Jackson County school districts. (School of choice does not constitute permanent residency, and does not qualify for the in-district rate.) Residency is based on the student’s permanent address at the time of registration.

地区内就学费用, 扩展的县, 退伍军人, 然而 and 州外 tuition rates

In-区/扩展的县/退伍军人 然而 州外

学生服务费 per contact hour











学费和杂费 $5,948.00 $6,524.00 $8,156.00
Books, 课程相关材料, Supplies, and Equipment $1,160.00 $1,160.00 $1,160.00
生活费用 $14,218.00 $14,218.00 $14,218.00
旅行 $3,144.00 $3,144.00 $3,144.00
杂项 $1,130.00 $1,130.00 $1,130.00
Full-time (12学时) for 2 Semesters $25,600.00 $26,176.00 $27,808.00
Full-time (12学时) for 1 Semester $12,800.00 $13,088.00 $13,904.00

成本 of Attendance Corrections Education Program (JCCEP)

学费和杂费 are based on a subscription model per semester. 学生没有其他费用.

学分 成本
12学时 $3,698.00
9-11学时 $2,774.00
6-8学时 $1,849.00
1-5学时 $925.00